DI supports government agencies and nonprofits in creating broad-based solutions to strengthen communities, individuals and families. We work with a variety of human services organizations in areas including:
- Substance Use Disorders
- Public Health
- Criminal Justice
- Supportive Housing
- Homelessness
DI plays a central role in developing programs and projects to facilitate cross-disciplinary and cross-agency collaborations to address barriers and to promote wellness and independence. We are committed to working with your organization to deliver evidence-based solutions with measurable impact. DI can help you to focus on concrete solutions that will motivate positive change. In cities, rural areas, and tribal communities, DI assists with a broad range of initiatives, including:
- Program design — Helping clients identify goals and objectives and create the business processes and procedures needed to implement human service programs.
- Development — Helping clients analyze and leverage multiple funding sources, including public and private funding streams, grant writing, and fundraising.
- Project Management — Helping clients meet requirements related to project implementation, planning, program monitoring, assessment, and performance outcomes and reporting.
- Research — Program Evaluation, and data collection and analysis
- Information dissemination — Publication development; communications outreach, social media, press releases and earned media opportunities
For example, DI has helped a variety of government organizations and nonprofits such as substance use disorder nonprofits, senior service providers, law enforcement agencies and other human service organizations to develop systematic and comprehensive responses that are evidence and trauma-informed including:
- Working with substance use disorder nonprofits to identify local, state and federal funding to support and create programs specific to women who are pregnant or are of childbearing age and their children.
- Leading comprehensive, culturally aware community assessments and program evaluations utilizing a mixed method approach to include surveys, focus groups, interviews, best practices, and observations.
- Conducting comprehensive marketing and economic feasibility studies for supportive housing and programming needs for individuals with disabilities, people with substance use disorders, and seniors.
- Creating and managing social media accounts for nonprofit organizations, developing and disseminating local and national press releases and earned media opportunities for print and virtual media outlets.